Three levels of NPS.
Which one’s right for you?

Accurate insights from our data experts
Actionable plans from our consultants
Simple truths from your customers


On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend? Why? How can we improve?

It doesn’t get much simpler than this. Everything you need to deliver stronger loyalty and higher profi t is locked inside your customers’ answers to these three questions. All our costeffective, fixed-fee research packages reveal your Net Promoter Score and illuminate the customer truths behind it.
Choose the one that meets your needs.




You have a vision for your business to be more customer-centric and you’re ready to invest in NPS.
You want reliable data, expert analysis and strategic recommendations to help you prioritise activity.
You need to know which parts of the business could do better for customers.

WHY do customers think about us like this?


  • This package provides a comprehensive NPS launchpad
  • Get a broad overview with deep insights
  • Nuanced view of satisfaction drivers
  • Key priorities illuminated


“What we deliver:”

  • Your Net Promoter Score and deep data analysis
  • 1000-customer sample
  • All customer verbatims categorised
  • Detailed report
  • Action plan for quick wins and strategic overview


  1. What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

  3. What is Customer-Centricity?

  5. Can NPS make my business more profitable?

  7. Why should I be using NPS instead of my regular customer satisfaction research?

Learn more for our research products


Learn more for our consultancy products


Learn more for our innovation products

For information on dates and venues,
or to book your place at one of our
NPS training events, email


I want this!